Product Description
IT is not my intention in these pages to attempt an exposition of the deeper arcana in connection with the
various subjects treated of; but rather to place before the lay reader a number of methods by means of
which he will be able to demonstrate to his own satisfaction, and that of others, that there is a deep
substratum of truth in what is usually called “Occultism,” and that the occult arts are sure and definite
means of exploring them.
The ancient Hermetic philosophers were well aware of a certain subtile correspondence or analogy
existing between the superior and inferior worlds, the world of causation and that of effects. They traced
a connection between the noumenal and the phenomenal, between the mind of man and his bodily
condition, between the spiritual and the natural. They affirmed all this in a trite axiom: As above, so
below. This philosophy extended to concrete observations, and became a science which they embodied in
the Doctrine of Correspondences. The hieroglyphic writings of the Chinese, Egyptians and Assyrians are
the outcome of this science, portions of which are current in our own thought and language. Thus when
we speak of commerce, the merchant and the market, we are going back to traditional knowledge which
associated the “winged messenger” of the gods with the ship in full sail; the word merx (trade) being at
the root of the name Mercury, and the symbol the hieroglyph for all that the name imports. We call the
Sun “he” and the Moon “she,” tracing unconsciously a subtile correspondence between the day and the
active male function in nature, and between the night and the passive female function. We speak of jovial
men and infer their connection with the planet Jupiter; and all our destructive and hurtful ideas are
embodied in such words as “to mar,” “martial,” “murder,” etc., linking them to their source in the root
marna (to strike), because the destructive element in nature is represented in our system by the planet
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