Product Description
Probably you have read of the great successes of certain men who
have made such wonderful and astounding names in the history of
the world. Such men, whether they consciously or unconsciously
knew the secret of their powers and successes, made themselves
famous by unfolding their superconscious mind.
Now the superconscious mind contains all the secrets of Occult and
Magnetic Power. Napoleon, who was a master of the Superconscious ‘
state, used to obtain practically eight hours rest in fifteen minutes
by looking intently at a dark spot on the walls of his room.
Now this superconscious state is called ‘by the Hindus“ Samadhi
or super consciousness . I will give you “ the principal secrets of this
state and how to enter into it, so that you may develop psychic- power.
There are many methods to do this with, but they are not practical,
and the most of them are so mystical that the majority of sensible
people would be foolish to think even of doing them, for they are
dangerous . I think that the so- called trance ‘ states should be left
alone, e specially with the beginner.
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